“This Belongs In A Museum”: Indiana Jones Rankings

As we continue our rankings of popular film series we will be tackling Indiana Jones’ 4 feature films.

Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom:

Right away we're getting controversial. Most would likely put Kingdom of the Crystal Skull here & I wouldn't necessarily blame them. However, “Temple" has the most unlikable supporting characters and in re-watching the series it's clear Indiana performs best outside of ritualistic sacrifice.

Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

There's alot to dislike about this one. Shia LaBeouf, interdemential beings, CGI prairie dogs, & surviving a nuclear blast in a fridge. Still, the action is entertaining, the film's self awareness of Harrison Fords age & the return of beloved characters help keep it afloat.

Indiana Jones & The Raiders of the Lost Ark

This is where the ranking gets difficult because ‘Raiders’ is damn near perfect. With incredible set pieces, Fords sarcastic humor and edge of your seat action it’s all there. It’s simply at 2 due to personal preference.

Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade

Alot of this film follows a similar template to ‘Raiders' - the nazis are back and again searching for an ancient artifact in the holy grail. The addition of Sean Connery & finale to the film put it just slightly ahead.

How would you rate the Indiana Jones franchise? Let us know below!

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